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LinkedIn to your Job Network

Monday, December 21, 2020

LINKEDIN IS AN AMAZING JOB SEARCH AND NETWORKING TOOL connecting you to a network of people and jobs!

Find out how to:

  • Find jobs via LinkedIn, set up job alerts, and access other ways to connect to employers and jobs
  • Build your profile
  • Give/receive endorsements and recommendations
  • Update your public URL and public profile and a lot more!

Making the best use of your time, this is offered as a practical online experience; you work in your LinkedIn account while we go through the content; this will get you completely familiar with LinkedIn by the time the workshop is over. You don't have to know anything about LinkedIn when you start but you will know what it's all about by the time you finish. And for attendees already familiar with LinkedIn, every past attendee with prior LinkedIn knowledge has been questioned to determine if the course was worth their time with 100% positive response rate.

All you need for this workshops is the ability to use a mouse and keyboard, an understanding of basic computer terminology, and an active account and password. Session offered live online via Zoom.

Phone: (905) 584-2300


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Monday, December 21, 2020


9:30am - 12:00pm

Event Category:


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Jobs Caledon


Jobs Caledon Virtual Service



(905) 584-2300