
Fresh Food, Delivered with Care

Did you know food delivery is now available for eligible household across Caledon – together let’s ensure no one goes hungry.

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Employers / Looking to Hire?

You’ve come to the right place. At CCS we know business growth requires the right talent and financial strength and we can help your business succeed on both fronts. Hiring and training costs are significant for any business. Let CCS help facilitate your staffing needs, saving you both time and money. Incorporating Jobs Caledon assistance for employers is one of the best investments you can make in your business.

Sign up here to join our e-community. We'll share monthly updates on how we can support and strengthen your business and help you succeed.

Job Employers


Calling all Caledon employers|businesses - CCS’ Employment and Training offers valuable resources for you to take advantage of that can result in real $$$ in your pocket and in finding the best fit for your team.

Check out our job matching, paid placements, training, grants, wage subsidies and incentives that are available for you.

Downsizing or rightsizing, reducing your workforce for any reason is never easy. Providing Outsourcing Services to your employees can come at a high cost. CCS is here for you! Offering CCS’ full range of jobseeker services to outgoing employees can fill that gap and provide a similar range of career/job search assistance at no cost to your business.

  • Free online job postings reach potential candidates
  • Training and employment incentives
  • Information and resources

We’re standing by ready to help. Please contact our team by email or call (905) 584-2300.


Advertise your job opportunities at NO COST and reach hundreds of job seekers through our on-line job bank.

Connect with a member of our Employment and Training team who can help you every step of the way with your talent needs. Register, create your employer profile and post - it’s as easy as that.


Real $$$ may be available to you through CCS Employment and Training Division from numerous programs funded by all levels of government. Let us help you find the hidden $$$ that are right for your business. CCS is your #1 source, so contact us today.

Hiring and training new or existing staff? Job matching with wage subsidies could help! Looking for youth talent? Take advantage of paid placements with support from our Youth Team, making it easy for you.

If you’ve identified staff needs and training opportunities that could take your business to the next level but the cost is prohibitive, then talk to us. We can help you find the right government grants and incentives that are available for your business.

  • Job Matching, Placements and Incentives (JMPI)
  • L.I.F.E. for Youth (L4Y)

We’re standing by to help you. Contact us by email or phone (905) 584-2300.


By working with the professional employment team at CCS and taking full advantage of our resources it will help you find the right people for the right job with your company. We help you conduct a targeted position or company-specific job fair. You can also benefit from participating in one of our successful multi-employer job fairs held throughout the year.

Become a Guest Speaker. We provide you with the opportunity to come out and share your expertise and the opportunities in your industry with interested candidates. You can share tips on what exactly it takes to get hired. Call our team today to discuss becoming a speaker in our workshop series and reach many job seekers at once.

Recruiting support is just around the corner. Let us know what we can do for you by contacting our Job Development team today!

Employment Ontario Tri Word Mark 2021