

Help Caledon Kidz in Caledon start the school year strong! Your gift provides nutritious meals, essential back-to-school kits, and opportunities for recreational activities. Support 400+ children in achieving their dreams. Donate today and make lasting impact.

Kim D’Eri | Manager, Community Animation

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I’ve had the pleasure of serving the Caledon community since 2008 through various roles at CCS. My passion for organizing and planning has always been evident throughout my career. I spent more than 20 years at Bell Mobility leading a customer service projects team and now, as the Exchange Manager, planning workshops for the community and working closely with the collaborative partners. I love to plan and organize activities for people to enjoy.

I live in Bolton with my husband and in my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family.

CR EX Kim Donations 2019 07 10 CR EX Kim Setting up 2019 12 24