
Fresh Food, Delivered with Care

Did you know food delivery is now available for eligible household across Caledon – together let’s ensure no one goes hungry.

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Donna Cragg | Director of Communications and Marketing

Donna Cragg HS1

I’m a student of human nature and the art of effective communication, marketing and excellence in customer experience. I’ve consistently brought an entrepreneurial or intrapreneurial drive to every opportunity allowing me to ‘make a difference,’ positive that is … in contributing to the success of organizations and initiatives throughout my career. Travelling and experiencing life in various locales (including a stint in Canada’s high Arctic) shapes my belief that it’s the people you meet along the journey and the community you build that is truly important. Margaret Mead’s theory “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world,” resonates deeply with me … and it’s ever-present at Caledon Community Services (CCS) – serving residents and building community every day in so many ways.

More personally; I love family and that includes members with four legs and fur, enjoy travel and new experiences. Oh, and wine? Red not white. Leadership, mentoring and strategic thinking are strengths. I’m endlessly curious, creative and a passionate seeker of knowledge.

I endeavour every day to leave things better than I found them. I embrace leading-edge thinking around everything “community” and my fuel is seeing the individuals, communities and organizations with which I contribute THRIVE.

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