
Hunger and poverty live next door... but so does HOPE.

Your Season of Hope gift will help provide warmth and food for more than 1,300 of your neighbours in need this holiday season and beyond. Please donate today, your gift will have double the impact.*

Due to postal delays consider online, phone or in-person donations.
*Donations made before December 31, 2024 will be matched by Mars Canada up to $25,000 to double your impact.

Mary Falcone | Manager, Youth Programs

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My passion to help and motivate people to reach their goals has truly found a home at CCS. I joined the Employment Services team in 2005 as an Employment Specialist, bringing more than 18 years of experience as a people-oriented manager in the business world, with strength in recruitment, training and coaching.

My commitment to service excellence brings me to always ask “Is there anything more I can help with?” This allowed me to recognize the need for an employability training program for Caledon youth. My current role as Youth Program Manager is very rewarding, knowing that I am supporting our community’s youth to pursue their growth. While working alongside many youths, I get to reminisce about my “good old time stories” and keep current which allows me to keep up with my children! It’s definitely a win-win situation.

IMG 5335 ET L4 Y Graduation Student With Staff 2019 06 07