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Main Feature Image Desktop Events Husky
Cultivator Medal

August 2018

Furnishing Caledon with Care

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Everyone can play a part in making a house a home – including local businesses. Corporate social responsibility (CSR), in a nutshell, is when an organization operates in a way that gives back to society. Companies around the globe also benefit through their CSR initiatives as do their employees, their customers and the community they work and live in.

Husky Technologies, the largest brand-named supplier of machinery for injection molding systems specializing in plastics worldwide, is a company that gives where they live.

Husky was founded by a newcomer from Germany in 1953. Eventually, Husky was located to Bolton and established itself as one of the largest employers. Their headquarters became a campus with some furnishings selected to create a home-inspired feeling. When the business decision was made to sell their Copper House Centre, they looked for a way that their surplus of well-loved, lightly used, high-quality furniture would benefit the community.

They contacted Caledon Community Services (CCS) – a strong community partner. “We immediately thought of [CCS] as a great way to give back to the community,” said then Husky VP of Corporate Services, Michael McKendry. A partnership forged over two decades based on their shared vision of a healthy, engaged, compassionate Caledon. Husky generously donated 40 armchairs, 30 upholstered couches, accent tables, cabinets, buffets, lamps, accent items and countless pieces of artwork to Evolve Caledon. “This wasn’t just ‘some furniture’ “said CCS CEO, Monty Laskin “It’s an extravaganza of a donation like our organization has never seen before.” Uniquely, 100% of net proceeds from Evolve sales go directly back into the community providing priceless services and programs that hundreds rely on. This action on the part of Husky touches the lives of so many who need support in all different aspects of their health, jobs and life in Caledon.

Furnishing caledon with care support

Something magical happens when the community comes together for a good cause. It ignites a spark that quickly spreads further than anyone could have imagined. Husky’s generosity inspired other local businesses. Brenda Alderdice, who owned Downsizing Diva, introduced NuGround Inc. to CCS. The Quinones brothers (owners of NuGround) donated their time, labour and trucks to move the goods from Husky to Evolve making this massive undertaking possible.

Husky truly valued their employees and wanted to include them. In honour of that, CCS came up with the idea of hosting a special presale time for Husky staff. This offered them “first dibs” on the familiar furniture that had been part of their workspace. As other shoppers flowed in, Husky employees shared the excitement customers experienced discovering these treasures for their homes. Employees took pride in their employer’s act of kindness as they shared that warm and cozy feeling they felt with others.

The momentum continued as NuGround stepped up again, making it easy on all by offering customers preferred rates on home delivery. Husky’s story became a collective effort of local businesses enriching the lives of the community.

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Former VP, Corporate Services, Husky


Former Owner, Downsizing Diva


Owners, NuGround Inc.



Children supported


Food pantry visits


Seniors supported

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