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CM OSE CHA L Caporale MF Destop 2025 05 23 FNL
Changemaker Medalion

February 2025

Personal Pain to Community Strength


Seven years ago, Linda Caporale's world shattered when her son, Benjamin, unexpectedly passed away shortly after birth. Her grief was overwhelming, and in those early days, Linda struggled to find her footing in a world that no longer looked the same.

"I never knew this could happen," she recalls. "You assume a healthy pregnancy means a healthy baby. And then, suddenly, you're facing this devastating loss."

In her search for healing, Linda found solace in small acts of kindness – donating to shelters, helping new mothers, and eventually, participating in community-driven events. But it wasn't until she came across the Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) walk that she found a way to channel her grief into action.

Linda's journey with Caledon Community Services (CCS) began when she discovered that CNOY – a fundraising event to support those facing hurt, hunger, and homelessness – coincided with Benjamin's birthday weekend. "It felt like a sign," she says. "I couldn't change what happened, but I could do something good in Benjamin's name."

Through this event, Linda turned an annual day of sorrow into a yearly day of impact. She rallied family and friends to participate, and eventually local businesses also contributed. In their first year, Linda's team far surpassed their fundraising goal, but more than that, she found community connection and a sense of purpose that has helped to channel her grief. She's determined to carry forward annually with keeping Benjamin's memory alive.

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Linda's story is not just about loss – it's about transformation. Through her advocacy, she is also helping break the silence around pregnancy and infant loss. "People often don't know what to say, so they say nothing," she explains. "That silence makes grief even harder."

Linda hopes that her openness will inspire others to share their own stories. She is a community champion – a changemaker – showing others how tragedy can be transformed into action, fostering a culture of empathy and support in the community. Whether through her social media outreach, her involvement with CCS, or in the way she raises her children, Linda is proving that one person can make a meaningful difference.

While nothing can replace Benjamin, Linda's efforts ensure that his legacy lives on, not just in her heart, but in the lives of the countless individuals benefiting from CCS programs. One of the things she explains to Benjamin's two younger siblings is that other kids have fewer toys than they do. She wants them to know their family is not only walking in memory of their older brother – they are also helping others in the community. At 3 and 5, they're too young to understand the harsh realities of poverty and hunger that exist in Caledon, but the truth is, 1 in 3 children rely on the CCS Exchange Food Bank. Linda knows too well that families often face hardships that are hidden from view. Behind every statistic is a real person – a mother, a father, a child – desperately in need of support.

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Get involved. Honour a loved one. Turn grief into action. Make a difference - just like Linda.