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Main Feature Image Desktop Life Ginny
Pinnacle Award 1

February 2021

Joy in Giving

CM OSL PIN G Yule Web 2024 06 17 FNL

Human beings need purpose. Many of us find it in our careers, so when the time comes for retirement, finding a cause that matters can be daunting. For Ginny Yule, expanding her personal connections locally began long before her retirement. She first served her community in 2007 as a Caledon Community Services (CCS) board member. More recently, she has found fulfillment volunteering at CCS’ Exchange. ”You have to plan for retirement and there’s no better purpose than serving your community,” she says.

Her volunteer work has been filled with personal rewards. “The people I have met through CCS have enriched my life tremendously,” she says. From a mother and daughter with special needs regularly volunteering at the Exchange, sharing the opportunity to help others in the community, to the families who enjoy the meals Ginny prepares in the fully equipped kitchen - she attributes her love for volunteering to personal connections like these. “It’s amazing to me that with the hundreds of people who come through the Exchange, the staff know everyone by name,” she marvels.

When Ginny talks about CCS, it’s the people using these programs that come to mind. “The people who are brave enough to go to the food bank and use our services are heroes,” she says. “It takes a lot of courage to say ‘I need help’.” The need in our community is very visible, and it was exacerbated by the pandemic. Ginny hopes that residents continue supporting their neighbours as we begin to leave the pandemic behind.

Even though she has been volunteering with the organization for many years, Ginny readily admits not knowing the full range of programs and services available to all Caledon residents. When hosting a refugee family from Ukraine, she discovered how the newcomer services and transportation warmly welcomed the newcomers to Canada. As a result, the family has now secured employment, received settlement assistance, and their daughter, Artemia, is bursting with creativity in her art classes at the local library. She believes more residents would be willing to help out if they realized the fundamental value CCS brings to the social fabric and quality of life for people living in Caledon.

CCS has expanded her sense of community and she wants more people to be involved. “There’s a lovely ebb and flow within the organization,” she says, “It is great to give money that can be used by [CCS], but it is also great to give your time so that you can see how the money is being used.” For Ginny, it’s not a matter of being busy but rather finding time to give in a way that will continue to have an impact that matters most.

No other organization touches so many lives in so many profound ways as Caledon Community Services. “My experience has been so rewarding,” Ginny says, “I invite others to discover the joys of volunteering for themselves.”

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